1. Unable to access Arbum website
If you cannot access Arbum website, we suggest you try to clear the cache and cookies. You can check how to clear the cache and cookies here.
If you still cannot access the website. Please contact Arbum team.
Arbum: https://arbum.art/u/Arbum
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/arbum.art
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArbumArt
2. What do I have to do if I want to buy / commission artists on Arbum?
You must have an Arbum account. You also have to have 'Gem'. Details on buying Gem are here.
Gem can be used in multiple ways on Arbum. For example,
How to donate to artists
How to request Artsign
3. How to make revenue on Arbum?
You can do lots of things on Arbum such as open donation, selling artwork on Marketplace, open commission, or Artsign.
How to open Artsign
4. How much is the fee on Arbum?
Right now, Arbum only takes fees on Artsign which has a 10% fee.
For donation and selling artwork on Marketplace, Arbum is on promotion (no fees). If any changes are made this statement will be updated.
5. How to withdraw money from Arbum?
After you make a revenue on Arbum, you will receive Gem in the ‘Income’ wallet. You can withdraw the money by using a PayPal account or a Thai bank.
You have to verify your account before withdrawing the money. The withdrawal fee and the minimum amount are different.
For using PayPal, the minimum amount is 1,000 Baht with a withdrawal fee of 5%. You will receive the money within 14 days.
For using a Thai bank the minimum amount is 100 Baht with a withdrawal fee of 30 Baht. You will receive the money within 3 days.
How to verify for international artist
How to verify for Thai artist
How to withdraw from PayPal
How to withdraw from a Thai bank
6. Can I move Gem from Income wallet to Spending wallet?
You cannot move Gem from Income wallet to Spending wallet. We have been restricted by Thai law.
7. Can I delete my account?
You cannot delete your account by yourself. Please contact Arbum team if you want to.
Arbum: https://arbum.art/u/Arbum
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/arbum.art
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArbumArt